Our Approach To Coaching

At Charlton Youth Basketball we want to share and spread the joy of the game of basketball. The rec division is a place where players of all skill levels can play and learn the game and all it has to offer. We ask our coaches to understand that while basketball by nature is competitive, that not all players are at the same skill levels. You could be coaching a team at any age level with players that have never picked up a basketball before, the rec coach's job is to help players of all skill levels get better at the game and most importantly enjoy the game.  

Playing time 
We ask that you play all your players as equally as possible at all age levels, regardless of skill level. We keep score starting in the 3rd/4th grade division, it can be tempting to play your best players to win a game, that is not in the spirit of our Rec division. We ask that you use a Playing Time Block schedule that we will provide you. Feel free to move the players around those blocks in any way you see fit, however, each player should have as equal playing time as another as possible. This can be difficult on teams with odd numbers, in this case play one player more in game 1, and then another in game 2, and another in game 3, so that by the end of the season the players have had as close to equal playing time as their teammates.  

We also ask that you monitor the floor for severe mismatches, do your best to have like-for-like guarding/playing against each other, nothing will kill a kids spirit faster than having the best player in his/her division dominate them all game.  

Do your best to give your less talented players opportunities to succeed. It’s natural for the ‘best’ player to take the ball up every time, and pass to the other ‘good’ players, as a Rec coach it’s your job to make sure all players are included. Let your less talented players bring the ball up for a bit, let their confidence grow, don’t just stick them in a corner.  

Please let the referees ref the games, understand that they are out there doing the best they can do, calls will be missed, it’s the nature of the game. Some of these refs are high school kids, treat them as if it were your child refereeing the game. 

We say these things because they happen every year. 

If you are a coach on an opposing team and see a coach not coaching in the spirit of CYB, please let us know and we will address it anonymously. 

If you are looking for more a competitive basketball environment, we have our travel division - the Charlton Wildcats - that your child is welcome to tryout for, and you are welcome to submit an application to coach. 

We want to thank you for volunteering your time to coach, and help our youth learn to play and enjoy the game of basketball. We understand life is busy and recognize your commitment to CYB!